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Pagan Community NEWs: Week of July 4, 2024

Writer's picture: JP VanirJP Vanir

TWH – Today, in the United States of America, it is Independence Day, often just called the Fourth of July (which is the date pretty much everywhere on Earth).  It is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. This document declared the thirteen American colonies as independent states, free from British rule. The Fourth of July is celebrated with various festivities, including fireworks, parades, concerts, barbecues, and other patriotic displays. It is a day for Americans to celebrate their nation’s history, freedom, and culture.  Happy Independence Day to those celebrating!

Early this week it was Canada Day on July 1.  It marks the anniversary of the confederation, when the three separate colonies of the United Province of Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia were united into a single Dominion within the British Empire called Canada on July 1, 1867. This event is known as the Confederation. Canada Day is celebrated with various events and activities, including fireworks, parades, concerts, barbecues, and other patriotic festivities, much like the Fourth of July in the United States. It is a day for Canadians to express their national pride and celebrate their country’s history and achievements.  For those celebrating, we hope you had a great Canada Day!

Many in the community heard that Song Tamer-Lore Maker-Shape Shifter-Player of guitars-Wearer of splendid hats-Jesster’s mama SJ Tucker was experiencing a health challenge.  We checked in with SJ who responded that the procedure was 100% successful.   “Feel free to share that I am recovering at home, ” SJ wrote. “I expect to be fully vivacious (if not carrying anything heavier than my guitar) at my Missouri concerts next week & at Starwood next month!”

Late last week, SJ posted from Osage Arts Community – Performing Arts Series.

SJ’s tour is coming up soon and info is available at


The Wild Hunt is grateful for the community’s continued support. 

The Wild Hunt is very grateful to our readers for your recent financial support and amazing words of encouragement. We remain one of the most widely-read news sources within modern Paganism, and our reporters and columnists remain dedicated to a vision of journalism for and about our family of faiths.

As a reminder, this is the type of story you only see here. This is how to help:

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As always, thank you for your support of The Wild Hunt! 

Hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius) in the Linyanti River, Namibia. Photo Credit: Charles J. Sharp CCA-SA 4.0

We know Witches fly, but hippos?  Magickally unassisted? Apparently, Hippos can get airborne when moving at high speeds over land, according to a new study from The Royal Veterinary College, University of London published in the journal PeerJ. After analyzing videos showing 169 movement cycles from 32 hippos, researchers discovered that the fastest-moving hippos spend around 15% of each stride off the ground.

This is the first time the animals, which can weigh more than 2,000 kilograms (2.2 tons) and spend much of their time in water, have been observed lifting all four limbs off the ground when moving quickly.

They run so fast, that they get airborne.

John Hutchinson, the study’s lead author and a professor of evolutionary biomechanics at the RVC, told CNN that “Hippos were a big missing part of the puzzle,” he said. “They’re really hard to study.”

Not only do hippos spend a lot of time in the water, but they are also “very aggressive and dangerous” and are more active at night.

Research Request

The Wild Hunt received a research participation request about the Satanic Panic from author George Kotlik.  The information and link are below.  The Wild Hunt is not affiliated with the survey author or involved in the research.

My project focuses on the 1980s Satanic Panic. For some Pagans, the Satanic Panic influenced the way they live their life as the public unfairly equated Paganism with Satan worship. I would like to capture exactly how the Satanic Panic influenced Pagans, how Pagans lived their life, and/or how Pagans practiced Paganism during the 1980s. Such an effort addresses a gap in the academic literature on Paganism. In an effort to fill this literary gap, I invite all Pagans of any flavor to share their experiences as they lived through the 1980s Satanic Panic. For context, I am only interested in capturing Pagan experiences during the Satanic Panic as it occurred in the 1980s. Any experiences from the 1970s or 1990s are just not appropriate for this particular study. I will not publish any personally identifiable information if you do not want such information published. If you have the time, please fill out my short questionnaire in qualtrics: Please find the questions you will encounter in qualtrics below. It should take about less than five minutes to complete this questionnaire. Your responses will help shed light on an important episode in Pagan history worth remembering. Thank you for taking the time to participate in this study. The main question:   During the 1980s, how did the Satanic Panic impact/influence you and how you live your life and/or how you practice Paganism? Are there any specific encounters, experiences, or thoughts you had and that you can remember during the 1980s that impacted/influenced you and how you live your life and/or how you practice Paganism? Here are some additional sample questions: What is your legal name? May I use your name in publication? What is your occupation? How old are you? What country do you live in? If you live in the United States, what state do you live in?



The sixth annual Mystic South Conference will take place July 26-28, 2024! Mystic South is filled with workshops, educational abstract presentations, rituals, community building, and much more. With the backdrop of the grand city of Atlanta, be a part of our celebration of the diversity of the peoples and religious practices, both past and present, that make up the Southern US region.

The conference also announced that their tickets are on sale. Get your tickets now and, get some for your friends, your neighbors, or just some random person you met on the street!

Do you have news to share with our community?

Announcements? Elevations? Events?

Let us know at

Tarot of the Week by Star Bustamonte

Deck: Nightfall Tarot, created by Amory Abbott, published by REDFeather, Mind, Body Spirit, an imprint of Shiffer Publishing, Ltd.

Card: Seven (7) of Cups

The next seven days are liable to offer up a plethora of options for not only what is desired or needed, but also for paths to achieving those goals. Being mindful that no one person can do all the things will be key to advancing plans successfully. A solid decision will likely be required.

In contrast, the ability to evaluate possible choices and pathways need to be grounded in reality. Choosing options that are fantastical, completely unrealistic, or otherwise impossible are most likely to lead to failure and waste valuable time & resources.

"Vampyrian616" is not responsible for links to external content.


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